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Chances of Romanian language and of Moldova society. IPN debate

The official language of a state is a unique and mandatory platform for informing the citizens about their common life today and tomorrow. Respectively, the more solid is the platform, the stronger is society and vice versa. Even children who heard about the biblical legend about the Tower of Babel know what the absence or disappearance of such a platform can lead to. The current state of the Romanian language in the Republic of Moldova in direct connection with the state of the whole Moldovan society was discussed by experts invited to IPN’s public debate “Chances of the Romanian language and of Moldova society”.

Igor Boţan, the standing expert of IPN’s project, explained that the official language is the language that is stipulated expressly in the Constitution of states for being used by the state institutions in the management of public affairs. Respectively, the official language is the language is which normative documents that are mandatory for all the citizens and public institutions of the state are drawn up and issued. Approximately half of the countries of the world have an official language. “The official language needs to fulfill three functions. It should be developed so that the adopted laws and normative documents are written explicitly and are understood by everyone, so that the people of art could express the range of feelings they experience and the people of science from the given states could write their scientific works in this language” said Igor Boțan.

He also said that a society is a group of people with permanent relations between them (common interests, values and goals) or a social group that occupies a particular geographical area and obeys particular political authorities and whose members have particular common cultural aspirations. The family is the basic cell of society and is a group of persons related either by consanguinity (recognized birth) or by affinity, which is by marriage or another type of relationship. The goal of the family is to maintain the wellbeing of its members and of society. Society incorporates all the families.

Writer Maria Pilkin said that her conscious existence is equal to the Republic of Moldova’s age. When she was 10, important changes happened in the Republic of Moldova, including in linguistic terms. She was at the primary school and just returned with her family from Ukraine. Even if they spoke Romanian in her family, in the first grade she studied in Ukrainian and then in Russian. When she returned to Moldova, she studied in Romanian. This way, she can say that she has bilingual competence.

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