
Fines for using and selling pyrotechnics on night between years

The police seized over 500 firecrackers and drew up 700 contravention reports over the use of pyrotechnics and public disturbance noise on the night between years given that the use and sale of fireworks during the state of emergency is banned, IPN reports.

On the night between years, the police recorded 37 cases of selling of pyrotechnics involving 30 private individuals and seven specialized shops. There were seized over 537 firecrackers and instituted 700 contravention proceedings over illegal sale and public disturbance noise.

The traffic police also had a tense night. Traffic officers identified over 800 violations of the road traffic regulations. Eight persons were caught driving under the influence, while 300 persons were caught speeding.

Nine persons were injured in eight road accidents on the night of January 1.

About 2,000 police officers were on duty across Moldova on the night between years to maintain public order and deal with emergencies. In emergencies, the citizens are urged to call the 112 Service.

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