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Republic of Moldova will gradually introduce mandatory storage of petroleum products

The Republic of Moldova plans to gradually introduce the obligation to stockpile petroleum products by 2030. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Constantin Borosan, who took part in a simulation exercise organized by the International Energy Agency in Paris, announced about this. The event in the French capital showed that the Republic of Moldova is vulnerable to a potential disruption of oil product deliveries. Commercial stocks usually provide up to 20 days of domestic consumption, IPN reports.

For example, in May 2022, due to logistical challenges related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, commercial stocks of diesel and gasoline were sufficient for only three days of current consumption.

Constantin Borosan said that the stocks would be managed according to a hybrid model, i.e. 50% of the stockholding obligation would be placed on a state institution subordinated to the Ministry of Energy, and 50% – on importers. According to a draft law drafted by the Energy Ministry, up to 60% of petroleum product stocks would be stored on Moldovan territory, with the rest possibly stored in the importing country.

The event organized in Paris aimed to test the resilience of countries to a potential crisis and the mechanisms of intervention. The Republic of Moldova was invited for the first time to participate in the exercise, even though it is not a member of the International Energy Agency, after the Energy Ministry signed a memorandum of cooperation with the IEA in March 2024.

State Secretary Constantin Borosan presented the evolution of the sector in the Republic of Moldova, which is totally dependent on imports, almost the entire amount of diesel and gasoline is imported through oil companies, subsidiaries of Romanian refineries, as well as through Romanian sea and river ports.

Oil products remain the dominant energy source in Moldova. According to the country’s energy balance, petroleum products account for the largest share of gross final energy consumption or 43%, followed by natural gas at 22%, biofuels and firewood at 21%, and electricity at 12%.

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