
Государство профинансирует перевод произведений отечественных авторов на иностранные языки

The state will finance thetranslation of books of national authors into foreign languages and the publication of these works abroad, as a bill that was adopted by Parliament on Thursday provides, IPN reports. 

Any foreign publishing house that intends to translate and publish works by Moldovan authors will be able to take part in a contest to obtain financial assistance from the state.

“The Republic of Moldova needs visibility abroad, both from literary and scientific viewpoints. A translation into a foreign language will not appear if the country from which this publication comes will not make effort for this translation to appear,” said Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan.

Another provision of the legislative proposal says the Ministry of Culture will also be able to finance literary and culture magazines.

The Government is to approve framework regulations to stipulate the conditions of financing culture magazines and the mechanism for supporting the translation and printing of books outside the country.

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