Over the past few days, a series of cyberattacks on about 80 governmental systems, including public portals and websites, have been fought off with minimal...
Валюта Код ABR Номинал Курс Австралийский Доллар 036 AUD 1 13.4403 Азербайджанский Манат 944 AZN 1 11.4296 Албанский лек 008 ALL 10 1.6578 Английский Фунт...
The Russian gas giant Gazprom confirmed the gas volumes for September and extended the time limit for conducting an audit for determining the debt owed...
Currency Code ABR Rate Exchange Rate Albanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.6491 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4792 Australian Dollar 036 AUD 1 13.2913 Azerbaijanian...
Currency Code ABR Rate Exchange Rate Albanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.6545 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4776 Australian Dollar 036 AUD 1 13.5124 Azerbaijanian...
Shor Party lawmaker Marina Tauber will remain in custody, after the Chisinau Court of Appeal on Tuesday rejected her lawyers’ request to review a lower...
Currency Code ABR Rate Exchange Rate Albanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.6461 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4759 Australian Dollar 036 AUD 1 13.3139 Azerbaijanian...