
Gas price could be 22.26 lei as from August 1

Household users could pay 22.26 lei per cubic meter of natural gas as from August 1. The draft decision published by the National Agency for Energy Regulation says a price of 20.61 lei without VAT is proposed for the low pressure gas distribution networks, IPN reports.

At the beginning of July, SA Moldovagaz asked for a new rise in natural gas prices. It requested the Agency to approve a price of 23.57 lei without VAT for a cubic meter of natural gas.

However, a day ago, Moldovagaz reviewed its request, asking a gas price of 27.30 lei without VAT as from July 1.

Since June, the natural gas price for end users has been 18.61 lei per cubic meter with VAT.

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Official exchange rate for date 30.04.2021


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