Society Top News

LPAs are obliged to ensure special electoral advertising spaces

The local public authorities are obliged to provide a minimum of electoral advertising spaces and a minimum of places for meetings with votersby at most three days before the start of the election campaign, IPN reports, quoting the Central Election Commission.

Under the regulations on the method of distributing and broadcasting political or electoral advertisements and messages of public interest, the fixed boards will have an area of at least 2 square meters and will be located at least two per each 6,000 voters. In the case of municipalities, towns, communes, the authorities will ensure a minimum of one special place equipped with fixed electoral boards with an area of at least 2 square meters per each locality in their composition.

The boards will be cleaned each week by the responsible subdivisions of the local public authorities. The LPAs will agree the weekday for such activities.

The election campaign starts on October 6, 2023.

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