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USAID offers US$950,000 for accelerating diversification of fruit export

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will further offer, through the agency of its projects, strategic support for the fruit sector of the Republic of Moldova so as to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of this sector. It goes to new financing of US$950,000 for accelerating the diversification of exports and integrating Moldova’s fruit sector into Western markets, IPN reports.

“The Association of Fruit Producers and Exporters of “Moldova Fruct” is a basic partner of USAID in the development of the fruit sector. The support offered to the Association starting with 2007 significantly contributed to developing the capacities of fruit producers, to implementing new production technologies, to planning new sorts of fruit and investing in postharvest, packing infrastructure, etc. The sources offered by USAID contributed to promoting fruit at international level by taking part in the most important exhibitions, business missions, fact-finding visits and promotion of the brand for Moldovan fruit “Moldova taste makes the difference,” it is said in a press release.

USAID Mission Head Jeff Bryan said that the Agency is proud of the impressive fruit market diversification stages carried out with the support of grant activities implemented by “Moldova Fruct”. “In time, USAID offered extended support to Moldovan agricultural producers in their efforts to reduce dependence on traditional markets and to access Western markets. The Association “Moldova Fruct” remains a key partner of USAID in this approach and we are proud of the objectives we achieved together. This new financing of US$950,000 is designed to accelerate the diversification of exports and the integration of the fruit sector of Moldova into western markets,” noted Jeff Bryan.

„Moldova Fruct și membrii săi sunt recunoscători poporului american pentru ajutorul acordat prin intermediul proiectelor USAID. Dezvoltarea sectorul de fructe aduce nu doar profit statului și producătorilor, dar contribuie la dezvoltarea comunităților rurale, asigurând cu locuri de muncă un număr mare de locuitori din satele Moldovei”, a spus directorul executiv a Asociației Producătorilor și Exportatorilor de Fructe Moldova Fruct, Iurie Fală.

În 2023, Moldova a devenit cel mai mare exportator de prune proaspete din emisfera nordică (78 de mii de tone), dintre care 76% au ajuns în Uniunea Europeană. În sezonul 2022-2023, pentru prima dată, livrările de struguri de masă către piețele occidentale le-au depășit pe cele către Uniunea Economică Eurasiatică. În același timp, volume semnificative de mere moldovenești sunt expediate în containere maritime către piețe îndepărtate, cum ar fi Orientul Mijlociu, Israel și India.

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