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Dan Perciun: 11 companies undertook to invest 17 million lei in model schools

Eleven private companies of the Republic of Moldova joined the Ministry of Education and will financially support the creation of the network of model schools, said Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun. According to him, the businesses agreed to invest 17 million lei in educational institutions in Moldova and this money will be used to improve school infrastructure. The provided financial resources represents an investment of the private sector in Moldova’s human capital, IPN reports.

The minister noted that the state, the country’s development partners and a number of private companies will invest in the 35 model schools. A series of commercial banks, telecommunications and pharmaceutical companies agreed to make donations for the rehabilitation of school infrastructure.

“Already 11 large companies have undertaken to invest 17 million lei in these educational institutions together with the Ministry of Education. These are companies we have talked to over the past six months. These are companies that understand the value of investing in human capital. When we went to talk to them, we presented the PISA results. We told them that we have half of the ninth graders who do not reach a minimum level of reading and math. We have 15,000 children every year who do not realize their potential. This means 15,000 potential employees or entrepreneurs, people who could contribute to the welfare of the Republic of Moldova. These companies see these donations as an investment in human capital and future employees because what companies always invoke is the lack of qualified human capital, and we have 15,000 children every year who do not reach this minimum level of competence, and rather than looking for them outside, we make a joint effort to empower ours,” Dan Perciun stated in the talk show “Resumé” on RliveTV channel.

He assured that the Ministry of Education will report to its partners how the money is spent and voiced hope that the network of private companies that are eager to invest in educational institutions will expand.

“17 million lei is not a small sum. We talk to other companies to try and convince them to contribute and join us. We aim to have this business community that supports education. We will report to them on their donations. We want to grow this community. This must become a national effort,” said the official.

The Ministry of Education and Research aims to create a network of 35 model schools by 2025. Parents who will agree to enroll their children in these institutions will receive a monthly allowance of 1,000 lei over a two-year period.

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