
Moldova, Czech Republic tend to closer cooptation in health sector

Representatives of a number of Czech companies that manufacture and export medical equipment came to Chisinau to discuss possibilities of cooperation with Moldovan medical institutions. The conference held at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau involved Deputy Minister of Health of the Czech Republic Radek Policar, IPN reports.

In the opening of the event, the Czech official said that Moldova is one of the most important development partners of the Czech Republic and he is proud that the cooperation relations become stronger in time.

“I’m proud that we managed to obtain significant figures as regards the projects implemented starting with 2006. These activities helped to strengthen the economic and political relations between our countries. In the Czech Republic, the medical services are among the best in the world. We have high-quality medical services because the equipment we possess is high performance equipment. We are a country with a long tradition in cancer treatment. We have rich experience in the field of public health, both as regards prevention and treatment. Our companies can cooperate with international businesses,” stated Radek Policar.

The Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Chisinau Stanislav Kázecký noted that the obtaining by the Republic of Moldova of the EU candidate status means cooperation with the European countries.

“This event confirms once again that not only Moldova is interested in the EU, but also the European states show interest in the Republic of Moldova. In this case, we speak about the Czech Republic’s interest in the future of the Republic of Moldova. The Czech Republic each year allocates €3 million to €4 million for different development projects. I’m very happy that namely the health sector was devoted increased attention the previous years. This confirms once again that the purchases of medical equipment are given priority. It does not go only to state support. Private companies also made donations, like hospital beds. This way, not only the state, but also the private companies are ready to help the Republic of Moldova,” stated Stanislav Kázecký.

The conference was staged by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Moldova in cooperation with the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Devices of the Czech Republic.

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