
Real estate documents can be asked and obtained online

Private individuals and legal entities can apply online and obtain different cadastral documents for real estate located in the Republic of Moldova in electronic form, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization, the following cadastral documents are now available: extracts from the Real Estate Register; information about the value of real estate and cadastral plans for real estate; information about real estate that belongs to a natural person or legal entity from the central database of the Real Estate Cadaster.

The online order can be placed through the public services portal The services are provided for money and can be paid through the government e-payment gateway MPay, using any type of payment – bank card, ApplePay/Google Pay, internet banking, cash and digital currency. The applicant must possess a digital signature.

If the applicant needs a paper document, this can go in person to collect it from the multifunctional center picked when placing the order online or can ask for home delivery through the government delivery service MDelivery, which is integrated with the electronic services development platform.

The electronic cadastral services are provided through the new electronic services development platform that was designed together with the e-Government Agency. They can be accessed from any corner of the world. Earlier, the services could be accessed only from Moldova.

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