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First Moldovan National Army’s contingent detached on UNIFIL mission returns home

The servicemen of the first National Army’s contingent detached on the mission of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) have returned home.  

Those 32 peacekeepers today landed at the Chisinau International Airport, where a ceremony was organized, in which Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii, Ambassador of Italy to Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Moldova Simon Springett, as well as relatives of military participated.    

During those six months of mandate, the National Army’s UNIFIL peacekeepers fulfilled missions of security and guard of military objects and of patrol of the responsibility area, working within the commandment the of Italian forces.    

„Each of those 32 peacekeepers were good ambassadors of our country abroad and conveyed the message that the National Army is well-trained and inter-operable with the armies participants in the UN missions,’’ Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii said.  

At the same time, Ambassador of Italy to Lorenzo Tomassoni and United Nations Resident Coordinator in Moldova Simon Springett appreciated the performance of the first contingent of the National Army in the UNIFIL mission. They said that Moldova strengthened its position of state which contributes to the international peace and security.   

UNIFIL is the first peacekeeping operation under the UN aegis, to which Moldova detached a contingent of servicemen. The National Army participated in UN missions only with military observers and general staff officers. The Moldovan parliament approved the decision to detach military on UNIFIL mission in November 2021.   

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