The police will intervene in situations when an abusive parent, for whom a protection order was issued, acts together with relatives to prevent the return of the child to the other parent. This is provided in a draft law that aims to improve the legal framework for defending the rights of minor children, IPN reports.
During public consultations on the bill, held in Parliament, MP Angela Munteanu-Pojoga explained that the police will become involved only if the actions of the parent with a protection order will involve “an increased degree of violence and harm to the rights of minors”. The police will intervene by force only if it is not possible to cease the actions by other legal norms.
“We discussed all aspects with UNICEF representatives, who expressed their support for the legislative amendment,” said the PAS MP.
Other measures to improve the legal framework on the protection of the rights of minor children aim to introduce a maximum period of 3-4 months for the completion of the examination in court of disputes involving minors. Thus, it is proposed that the examination of cases involving children should be examined as a priority and as a matter of urgency.
All proposals to improve the draft law, formulated during public consultations in Parliament, aim to adapt it to international standards.