
First local archeological park to be created in Moldova

The first local archeological park that will bring together different types of research and projects will be set up in Moldova. This is a new recreational-archeological area where different cultural events could be staged. Over 18 jobs will be created for managing the park, said Veaceslav Guțuțui, one of the experts who presented the feasibility study carried out within the regional project EU ArcheoDanube, IPN reports.

Veaceslav Guțuțui noted that the conducted research confirms that a medieval fortress was located in the area between the Chisinau Church “Saint Emperors Constantine and Helen” and the Circus, where the future park will be situated. That’s why the archeological park will enable the residents and guests of Chisinau to learn more about the history of the capital city.

“This location has s special historical significance and I think that this area deserves and should definitely be developed as there are a number of historical strata that need to be analyzed. History is what we must not forget. It is our cultural and moral value,” said the deputy mayor of Chisinau Ilie Ceban.

Archeologist and historian Sergiu Musteață noted it is for the first time in the Republic of Moldova that an archeological development plan is being designed. “It is a policy document on the cultural heritage. But it is also a document that highlights the composition of the archeological inheritance and the pragmatic side: what shall we do with it; how to present it to the general public, how to integrate it into the urban structure as a place that deserves to be visited, into the urban landscape, given the adjoining areas,” he noted.

A number of activities were held in the framework of the ArcheDanube project so far. There were staged local workshops involving partners from Romania, worked out the Local Archeological Plan for the area close to the Church “Saint Emperors Constantine and Helen”, known as “Visterniceni”, and designed the architectural and visual identity project of the future archeological park. The ArcheoDanube project is co-financed by the European Union and has been implemented in Chisinau by the General Division of Architecture, Urbanism and Land Relations during January 1 – December 31.

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