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Open letter concerning smart agriculture in Moldova

Natural farming can become a rescue solution for the country, for farmers, for underdeveloped rural areas, for businesses of a new and upper dimension. This fact will enable the country to successfully associate itself with regional and global agrifood competition, ensuring domestically first sustainable products of a high quality at ultra-low costs. Such a message is disseminated by expert in biotechnology of the Experimental Center “Prometeu”, scientific researcher Alexandru Brătuțel through an open letter addressed to the senior administration and state institutions.

“According to Wendell Berry, famous writer, poet, eco activist, farmer from the U.S., “eating is an agricultural act” and its quality and the health of the population as a consequence of consumption depend on the applied model of agriculture. Returning home in over 15 years, I saw that the situation in the agricultural, animal breeding, food safety and public health sectors worsened maximally possibly even compared with the situation of our neighbors. If you accept this unpleasant finding, read about the Good News concerning Smart Agriculture, which is fully Safe and Sustainable,” said Alexandru Brătuțel.

The expert in biotechnology recently translated from English into Romanian two books with the most important sources of knowledge about natural, human-friendly and nature-compliant millennium-old agricultural practices that can be implemented Easily, at Ultra-Low-Cost and with a lot of joy, pleasure and success: 1. Korean Natural Farming, author Hankyu Cho (father), and 2. JADAM Organic Farming. He is to also translate: 100 Herbs JADAM Natural Pesticide and JADAM Organic Pest and Disease Control, author Youngsang Cho (son).

The first two books were already translated into Romanian and are being laid out for being exposed to the public in Moldova in PDF format and on paper.

According to Alexandru Brătuțel, Youngsang Cho’s book JADAM represents further development of the theories and practices exhibited in his father Hankyu Cho’s book KNF and both of the information sources and practices demonstrated today are represented in over 30 countries on earth. “A lot of information can be found on YouTube channels, on Facebook in the Korean and English languages. Some of these can be subtitled into Romanian or Russian. Here, I have one more piece of good news – the wheel does not need to be reinvented as, at the Experimental Center “Prometeu” based in the capital city, we already achieved particular results in this regard, which we can make available to all those who are curious and interested in these subjects,” noted the researcher.

“You will learn the good news when you discover the scale of the worldwide movements Cho Global Natural Farming and ADAM Organic Farming and also the enormous volume of information distributed over the Internet (which is regrettably not known by someone in our country). The GOOD NEWS can be received and accepted or rejected. It depends on the interests of clans, the vanity of persons who manage the given areas, the view of experts from intensive agriculture, who can yet “prove” that agrochemistry can be put on bread (these should eat this bread themselves!),” runs the letter.

The open letter was addressed to President Maia Sandu, the Cabinet, the Parliament and a number of ministries and also to the administration of the National Food Safety Agency, the Faculty of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and to the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, the Institute of Pedology, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection MOVCA and the EcoVisio Association.

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