
State Tax Service chief: We anticipate 10% rise in amounts accumulated as taxes this year

The amounts collected as taxes and excises by the State Tax Service this year are projected to be by 10% higher than last year, said the Service’s head Petru Rotaru. According to him, until the end of this year the institution is to collect about 60 billion lei from the citizens and business entities, IPN reports.

Petru Rotaru noted that the citizens who do not perform entrepreneurial activities can submit income tax returns for 2022 by May 2. More tax returns were submitted this year compared with last year. This shows that the citizens became more responsible, while the procedures are now simpler.

“As many as 94,000 income statements on paper were submitted last year. By now we already have over 96,000 statements, which is by over 2,000 more. We also have electronic tax returns on which we aim to place greater emphasis. We have 12,000 electronic tax returns for last year and for this year we have already 13,000 such returns. The submission process is usually more intense during the last week. If the tax returns are submitted on time, penalties are not calculated. Furthermore, there are persons who are not obliged to submit tax returns, but they do it in order direct the 2% to a nongovernmental organization or a religious organization as they can do this only if they present the income statement,” Petru Rotaru stated in the program “Reflection Points” on Vocea Basarabiei channel.

He noted that despite the inflation, the taxes and excise duties collected last year contributed considerably to the national public budget. The collected amounts are expected to be by 10% higher than in 2023.

“The year 2022 was a very good one in terms of the collected taxes, which totaled 55 billion lei for all budgets. We have a chain effect here. If last year the amounts were large, this year they will be larger. The taxes collected into the national public budgets are by 10% higher in amount compared writ last year. We collected by 5 billion lei more into the budget this year. At the end of this year, the collected amounts should total about 60 billion lei,” said the head of the State Tax Service.

In the first two months of this year alone, the State Tax Service collected 8.9 billion lei into the national public budget, an increase of 1.4 million lei or of 18.6% compared with the corresponding period last year.

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