Educational institutions will be able to draw up their own rules for the use of cell phones or other electronic communications equipment in the institution, based on a framework regulation proposed by the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC), IPN reports.
The provisions of the document will have to be complied with by all teaching staff, students of all levels of education organized in the institution, as well as parents or their legal representatives in educational institutions.
According to the Framework Regulation of the MEC, cell phones and other electronic communication equipment will be prohibited in lessons, except when they can be used exclusively for educational purposes.
Students may use cell phones or any other electronic communication equipment during lessons, in coordination with the teacher, in emergency situations, such as the student’s poor health, health problems of a family member, unforeseeable crisis situations, or in case of the need for permanent monitoring with various assistive equipment of the health of students with disabilities or severe chronic somatic diseases, as confirmed by documentary evidence.
Students with special educational needs and who require an electronic device to facilitate their learning may use cell phones or other electronic communication equipment for educational purposes, with the approval of the teachers or the school administration, depending on individual needs. In this case, the devices will be used to support the educational process and to meet the special needs of the student.
Pupils will not use gadgets during lessons, including during assessments, theses, exams, in order to ensure concentration on teaching activities.
During lessons, cell phones and other electronic equipment will be stored in a specially designated area dedicated for this purpose and returned to students at the end of the lesson.
The framework regulation also stipulates that teachers have the right to temporarily take away the mobile phones or other electronic equipment of pupils who violate the rules on their use during lessons, after less restrictive measures such as verbal warnings have been applied. The cell phone will be placed in a safe and secure place, such as a special box, locker with key, designated by the school administration to prevent damage or loss. The teacher will record the incident in a special log book.
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