
Chisinau witnesses unprecedented epidemiological situation, sheath officer

The municipality of Chisinau is seeing un unprecedented epidemiological situation, chief health officer Boris Gîlca said in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services. More than 7,000 cases of respiratory tract infections were recorded the past few weeks, by about 5,000 cases more than in the corresponding period last year. “A part of the patients will be probably discharged today and the vacated places will be filled again,” he stated, being quoted by IPN.

As many as 130 children younger than two were admitted to Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 with viral infections and pneumonias, even if the hospital has a capacity of only 100 beds. More children than the capacities permit were also admitted to the Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital and the Municipal Children’s Hospital “Valentin Ignatenco”.

A number of 105 cases of flu were reported last week, with 79 cases of these being in children younger than 17. 88 patients were hospitalized. Boris Gîlca said flu vaccination is a priority and the relevant situation in the municipality is good. Of the 47,300 doses of vaccine received by the municipality for professional contingents and high-risk groups, over 46,400 doses or 98.2% were used.

Also, 217 refugees – 107 children and eight pregnant women – were admitted to municipal hospitals, primarily with respiratory tract infections.

In another development, Boris Gîlca said the legislative proposal to transfer the municipal hospitals from district councils under the Ministry of Health is controversial. “The managers of municipal medical institutions made approaches to the MPs, the Council of Europe Office, the Delegation of the European Union, complaining about the anticonstitutional intention to dispossess the local public authorities of hospitals, also because the European Charter of Local Self-Government of which the Republic of Moldova is a party is seriously violated,” he stated.

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